A Level Art & Design: Photography
In the Art department we offer the following A Level courses:
- Art & Design: Fine Art or Art & Design: Textile Design
- Art & Design: Photography

A-Level Photography
The A level Art & Design: Photography course is a 2-year course with 1 Externally Set Assignment (exam) at the end of the second year.
This is a course for students who want to study an introduction to Photography and is ideal for those who want to go on to study an Art or Photography related course at University.
A Level Photography students will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of ideas within Photography. They will learn about contemporary and historical photographers and develop relevant industry skills in both the use of DSLR cameras, software packages such as Adobe Photoshop and studio lighting equipment. Students can explore a combination of the following areas:
- Portraiture
- Landscape photography
- Still life photography
- Documentary and photojournalism
- Fashion photography
- Experimental imagery
- Multimedia
- Photographic installation
- Moving image (video, film, animation)
The A level Art & Design: Photography course is made up of two components that stretch across the 2 years of study:
Component 1 – Personal Investigation (60%)
1. Coursework Portfolio/ Personal Investigation
Students produce a body of work that takes the form of a sketchbook supported by an A3 portfolio of their own images. They explore an idea or theme developing work in a way that reflects their personal interests or strengths until they reach a final outcome. Work produced should satisfy the Assessment Objectives and demonstrate that they have researched and responded to photographers relevant to their theme, experimented with their images and objects through photography and then produced a relevant final piece.
2. Personal Study
This is a separate piece of critical and analytical writing (1000-3000 words) making links to the student’s own Personal Investigation, and supported by artist research and references. Through the personal study, students will demonstrate understanding of relevant social, cultural and historical sources. Students will also express personal interpretations or conclusions and use technical and specialist vocabulary.
Component 2 – Externally Set Assignment (40%)
Students will be issued with a paper from which they will select a title/starting point to develop ideas. They will have time to produce preparation work that satisfies the first 3 AO’S (just as they have done for their coursework) before they begin their exam. With Photography, students will spend their exam editing one (or a series) of their own images selected as a final piece using Photoshop.
The A Level exam is 15 hours long typically split into a series of sittings of up to 5 hours. As in other subject areas exam conditions are observed. The focus in the exam is to produce a final outcome that satisfies AO4. Both the coursework portfolio and the exam are marked using the same Assessment Objectives (AQA A Level Art & Design).