Exam Information
Exam Timetables
GCSE Key Information
- Exam Information Booklet
- Walton Examination Key Information
- Unauthorised Items Poster
- Exam Certificate: Third Party Collection
A Level/BTEC Information
- JCQ Preparing to sit your exams for students
- JCQ Information for Candidates Regulations
- Warning to Candidates 2022_23
- JCQ Social Media Information for Candidates
- 2022-Unauthorised items poster
- JCQ Online Screen Tests
- JCQ Coursework Assessment
- JCQ Non Examination Assessments
Walton Policies & Procedures
We have made this as generic as possible, so will not have to be changed year on year with the exception of any JCQ updates. Only documents that will be changed yearly will be the Examination Timetables and Key Dates. This will reduce school costs in printing a lot of this information/providing these booklets, however, when assemblies are taking place reference needs to be made to these documents to ensure all students are fully aware of these documents and read them prior to examinations.