A Level Art & Design: Textile Design
In the Art department we offer the following A Level courses:
- Art & Design: Fine Art or Art & Design: Textile Design
- Art & Design: Photography

A-Level Art & Design: Textile Design
A Level Art & Design: Textile Design is a 2-year course with 1 Externally Set Assignment (exam) at the end of the second year.
This course is for students who want to study Art Textiles to a higher level and is ideal for those who want to go on to study an Art related course at University.
Students who choose the Textile Design course will be introduced to a variety of experiences that explore textile media, processes and techniques. Students will have the opportunity to investigate a range of art, craft and design and can explore a combination of the following areas:
- Fashion design and textiles
- Costume design
- Digital textiles
- Printed and/or dyed fabric and materials
- Domestic textiles and wallpaper
- Drawing and painting
- Interior design
- Art textiles
- Constructed and installed textiles
The A level Art & Design: Textile Design course is made up of two components that stretch across the 2 years of study:
Component 1 – Personal investigation (60%)
1. Practical work
The Personal Investigation is an extended practical project based on a personal response to a theme or starting point. Students will generate ideas and experiment how to express them through a variety of materials and processes. They will develop and refine their ideas through experimentation and research into different techniques, styles of art and textiles and the work of other artists and designers. Students document their explorations through the use of sketchbooks/workbooks/journals and larger scale pieces.
2. Personal study
This is a separate piece of critical and analytical writing (1000 words) making links to the student’s own Personal Investigation, and supported by artist and designer research and references. Through the personal study, students will demonstrate understanding of relevant social, cultural and historical sources. Students will also express personal interpretations or conclusions and use technical and specialist vocabulary.
Component 2 – Externally Set Assignment (40%)
This is an externally set assignment from the exam board. Students will produce another practical project in the same manner as their Personal Investigation, developing their skills to a higher level in response to a starting point set out in the exam paper.
Students will be expected to submit all their preparatory studies (sketchbook work) and an outcome that will be completed in a Controlled Assessment (15 hours).
Both the coursework portfolio and the exam are marked using the same Assessment Objectives:
- AO1: Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.
- AO2: Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops.
- AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress.
- AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.