Art in Year 8
Year 8 allows students to build on their experience and develop their skills using the visual elements in a thematic curriculum.
During this year pupils will:
- Be able produce creative and imaginative outcomes that critically analyse and question a given theme/concept
- Continue to explore a wide range and combination of materials and techniques such as: drawing, colour blending, perspective drawing, mixed media layered collage, decoupage, wax relief, biro mark making, printing, textiles, 3D construction, needle/wet felting, portrait drawing…
- Investigate and research the work of contemporary and historical artists and makers such as: Owen Gildersleeve, Claes Oldenburg, Leonardo da Vinci, France Bourley, Andy Warhol, Chris Crites…
- Develop their visual literacy skills through critical analysis of the work of others and the critical evaluation and creation of their own artwork
- Generate ideas, plan and produce work in collaboration with others
- Build an awareness of the further applications and functions of Art & Design in society (art practice, scientific recording and observation, advertising)

Topics will include:
In the Kitchen: This unit explores the concept of Recycle and Reuse (rationing, food waste, using recycled materials) through a focus on mixed media techniques. Outcomes may include watercolour burger, wax transfer ketchup bottles, French knitted food, ceramic foods, felt and ceramic food packaging, cardboard constructed plates of food…
Inside the Body: Students are encouraged to experiment and take risks with their use of materials within this unit, which explores the use of Art for scientific recording and observation. Outcomes may include wax trapping, poly-block printing or felted cells, clay hearts, mixed media layer abstract cell forms…
Caged: This unit begins preparing students for the stepping stone to GCSE year of Year 9 by looking at meaning and concept in Art, giving students the opportunity to explore the themes of Endangered Species or Prisoners in a variety of materials and techniques. Outcomes may include collage portraits, endangered animal Babygro, Andy Warhol inspired polyblock prints, plastic bonding sea life animals…