Should you require any further information on what your local authority also provides to support your child and their inclusion.
Useful Websites
You may find the following Websites useful for information and advice:
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) South Staffs | Staffordshire Connects
- British Dyslexia Association (
- National Autistic Society (
- Autism Inclusion Team | Staffordshire Connects (
- Autism and Sensory Support in Staffordshire (ASSIST) – Staffordshire County Council
- National Deaf Children’s Society | Supporting deaf children (
- The Partially Sighted Society | Helping People with a Visual Impairment (
- RNIB | Home
- Home (
- British Dyslexia Association (
- Home – Mind
- Children’s disability service – Staffordshire County Council
- Caudwell Children | Children’s Charity | Changing Children’s Lives
If you require more information about SEND at Walton High School please contact the SENCo, J. Byrne on 01785 334917 or email
For specific enquires or concerns you may have about your child, please contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance via the school telephone number.