Homework is an important part of our students’ academic journey. At Walton High School homework is used to:
- Retrieve prior knowledge
- Prepare students for upcoming lessons
- Allow students to practice and rehearse new learning to obtain mastery
- Give students the opportunity to read around a subject and explore a subject further to develop their own interests
- Stretch and challenge a student’s learning
The regular setting of homework can aid the transfer of knowledge from the working memory to the long-term memory which can benefit progress and attainment.
Homework at Walton High School can take a variety of formats, including (but not exclusively):
- GCSE Pod Podcasts
- Self-marking, online quizzes through programmes such as GCSE Pod, Dr Frost and Educake
- Exam-style questions
- Knowledge audits or mind-maps
- Reading articles, books or blogs
- Research projects
- Comprehension tasks
- Coursework completion
At Walton we use a range of websites to set and monitor homework:
Here is a list of support guides
Click here to view our Homework Timetable
Research has shown that you will remember more if you go over topics multiple times rather than cramming all of your revision for each subject into one block.