
Sora is an online catalogue of eBooks and audiobooks for you to access online and on your phone.

You can visit the website or download the app.

Sora is a great reading resource which caters to all students with different learning needs. To sign in all you need to do is:

Go to the website or download the app

Click sign in, search for Walton High School, search for it again and sign in with your school login information.

You can then borrow Ebooks and Audiobooks, you may also be assigned reading by your teachers via Sora.

Here is an example of some of the books available:

Library: What’s On

Everything we have going on in the Library.

Autumn Term

A B C Challenge

Read through the Alphabet and be in the chance to win

Book Wars

A new pair of books are chosen each week, vote for your favourite!  

Review Raffle

Review your recently read to be entered into a prize draw – hand in book reviews in the library  

For any more information, come ask Miss Bowen in the library! 


Welcome to the library, I am sure we have something to suit your reading needs. The library at Walton High School is a happy learning environment where students and staff can unwind with a great book whether it be a classic fiction, a riveting piece of non-fiction or experimenting with graphic novels. Here in the library I like to keep things interesting by introducing events and competitions. The library is a space for all at Walton High School and I very much welcome you to it.

Miss Bowen (Librarian)

New Books

Follow us on Instagram for library updates and more.

Overdue Books

Please check to see when your book is due, if you need more time please pop in and let me know! If you haven’t returned your book, after three reminders (these will be in person, through email and through your tutor) you will receive a behaviour point, if it goes any longer, I will then be contacting home. I hope to not do so, however it is unfair for other students to be kept waiting for books that may never return.

Library Open Times and Dates.

The Library is Open Breaktime, and both Lunchtimes Monday to Thursday

Notice on Age Restriction

In the Library we have a number of books which can only be borrowed if the student is in Year 9 and above this is because the publisher of the book deems it to be more suited to this age range. We enforce this to safeguard our students from any topics that may seem harmful.

Recommended Reading Lists

Here is a list of fiction books that we as a school recommend to our students. Reading these books are not compulsory but we do encourage our students to read for pleasure both in and outside of school.  

These books range from all different genres of fiction and all diverse types of books from classic literature to graphic novels. We understand that reading is not for everyone however, we hope that at least one of these books will entice our students to become readers.  

We would also like to say that reading these books does not have to be by picking up the physical book, they can be via different reading channels such as eBooks or audiobooks some of which are available through the app Sora, which all students have access too, alternatively many of these books are available in the library.  

Please note that we are not asking you to buy these books, we are just recommending some terrific books to encourage reading at school.  

View the list here:

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